Local Hero

Rookie Rockstars


Rookie Rockstars is an amazing charity that provides Mental Health Counselling both in schools and privately. They offer one to one counselling and play therapy to both primary and secondary schools to help the confidence and mental health of the pupils. The team at Rookie Rockstars are raising money through a 30-hour live Rockathon event to open another facility in Scotland to add their fantastic, ever-growing, support network.


We Support Local Community by Partnering with Mealzo


Grillzz-German Döner & Peri Peri®️ partnered with Mealzo, Scotland’s largest 0% commission online food ordering portal, to provide help and support to the local community.

Mealzo collaborated with the Rookie Rockstars to shine a spotlight on the amazing work that they do every day.

Our whole team at Grillzz-German Döner & Peri Peri®️ were very happy to get behind the Rookie Rockstars and show our support.

We would like to give a big thank you to all of our customers as without your help and support, we would not be in a position to be able to give back to our local community.

At Grillzz-German Döner & Peri Peri®️, it is an honour to be named as the Mealzo Local Hero of the Month for October.

To find out more about their full support network, please follow @rookierockstars and Mealzo on Instagram and Facebook.



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